Lowland Chontal



Video and Transcript

Video file


Transcript: How I Became a Midwife (audio temporarily disabled)

Vocabulary List with Audio (Glottalized Segments)

The sound system of Lowland Chontal contains glottalized consonants. Glottalized consonants are orthographically represented with an apostrophe (’). The word lists below demonstrate the contrast between regular and glottalized consonants. The audio recordings present the Spanish translation followed by the Chontal word repeated three times.

faduy    ‘planting’

Audio file

f’aguy    ‘ascending’

Audio file

kasi    ‘chili’

Audio file

k’ejwa’    ‘well’

Audio file

kosak’    ‘corn’

Audio file

sagota’    ‘go and eat’

Audio file

s’ayk’eduyya’    ‘I'm sharpening’

Audio file

as’ujl    ‘mouse’

Audio file

xago’ma    ‘will eat’

Audio file

x’ayk’eduy    ‘is sharpening’

Audio file

x’noyyuy    ‘is swimming’

Audio file

kwi    ‘hawk’

Audio file

sk’wi’mi’maya’    ‘I stab it in’

Audio file