


Vocabulary Quiz: Terms (under construction)

Vocabulary Quiz: Definitions (under construction)

Articulators Quiz (under construction)

Review Quiz (under construction)




US English: Phonetic Transcription Exercise (under construction)

British English: Phonetic Transcription Exercise (under construction)



Phonetic Symbols (under construction)

Phonetic Features (under construction)

Audio for Textbook Examples

Word ipa gloss
hma [hm̥a] ‘to order’
hna [hn̥a] ‘nose’
hnya [hɲa] ‘considerate’
ma [ma] ‘to be hard’
na [na] ‘to be painful’
nya [ɲa] ‘to lie; right-hand’
Audio file


Word IPA
bought [bɔʔ]
hot [haʔ]
Audio file
Vowel English
[i] beet, bleed, see
[ɪ] sit, fin, lip
[u] boot, mood, soon
[ʊ] foot, could, hood
[e] lay, pay
[ɛ] red, send, peck
[ə] about, ago
[ʌ] rut, mud, up
[o] mode, loan, show
[a] hot, mop, rock
[æ] cat, man, trap
Audio file
Vowel English
[i] beet, bleed, see
[ɪ] sit, fin, lip
[u] boot, mood, soon
[ʊ] foot, could, hood
[e] lay, pay, wait
[ɛ] red, send, peck
[ɜ] purr, learn, sir
[ə] about, ago
[ʌ] rut, mud, up
[o] mode, loan, show
[ɔ] dawn, bought, north
[ɒ] hot, mop, rock
[ɑ] half, father, hard
[æ] cat, man, trap


Word Gloss
akaan ‘arm’
akʰágí ‘hide, pelt’
ak’aʔ ‘fat’
tí̃í̃’ ‘four’
atʰiin ‘trail’
t’iis ‘cottonwood tree’
tʃiɬ ‘medicine bag’
tʃʰidí ‘car’
tʃ’il ‘plant’
Audio file


Word Gloss
Audio file

So, you don’t think that’ll work (1)

Audio file

So, you don’t think that’ll work (2)

Audio file

So, you think that’ll work (1)

Audio file

So, you think that’ll work (2)

Audio file
Chickasaw gloss
malili ‘S/he runs’
mallita ‘Is s/he running?’


Audio and Video for Textbook Exercises

a. [proˈdus] k. [ˈkɹiki]
b. [ˈtʃæmpjən] l. [ˈlək]
c. [ˈkɹɪstl̩] m. [ˈshɪp]
d. [ˈdʒɪngl̩] n. [sʌppɹ ̩]
e. [ˈspɪtʃ] o. [ˈʃedz]
f. [əˈlaʊ] p. [ˈpætʃd]
g. [ɪmˈpeʃənt] q. [ˈkoms]
h. [ˈfɹæntɪc] r. [ʃʌtl̩]
i. [fʌdge] s. [kɪttn̩]
j. [heŋɹ ̩] t. [yan]


American English audio

Audio file

British English audio

Audio file
a. telephone k. risky
b. yo-yo l. obvious

c. maneuver

m. hopefully
d. phonetics n. cradle
e. shrink o. sprinkle
f. forget p. thank
g. slapped q. bathes
h. creams r. feathers
i. baked s. puppies
j. loudly t. buoyant


American English audio

Audio file

British English audio

Audio file

a. electric, electricity
b. tangent, tangential
c. fluid, fluidity
d. pragmatic, pragmatist
e. fortunate, unfortunately
f. emphasis, emphatic
g. mercury, mercurial
h. constitution, constitutionality
i. industry, industrialization
j. fantastic, fantastical

American English audio

Audio file

British English audio

Audio file
a. paper n. yearling
b. ride o. philosophy
c. kitchen p. chunkier
d. lemony q. bathes
e. violet r. bath
f. measure s. ploughed
g. yes t. chef
h. honorable u. thought
i. attacked v. contribute
j. cupid w. machine
k. good x. Celtic
l. crushed y. whale
m. button z. jelly


American English audio

Audio file

British English audio

Audio file